Paritosh Sharan
Transformation of Individuals.
Hence our methodology and approaches are uniquely conceived and designed in
consultation with the client organization and delivered by extremely adept Coaches/Consultants”– Paritosh Adds Our path breaking methodologies are centered around deep transformation of individuals where coaching, as an approach, and in different formats and orientation, plays a very important role. Our basic philosophy is facilitating an “inside-out” journey All the interventions undertaken by Transhuman Consulting are a result of synthesis based
on exploration of various domains, body of knowledge and experiences, facilitating a deeper and an inside-out journey such as, Human Process Lab, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Theosophy, Ontological distinctions, Anthroposophy, Energy Modalities, Yoga etc.
Paritosh also believes in integrating the knowledge derived from spiritual insights, ancient Indian texts, mythologies, practices, oriental wisdom and western pragmatism, and uses them freely and appropriately in facilitating
human transformations in customized interventions for Individuals as well for Organizations.
consultation with the client organization and delivered by extremely adept Coaches/Consultants”– Paritosh Adds Our path breaking methodologies are centered around deep transformation of individuals where coaching, as an approach, and in different formats and orientation, plays a very important role. Our basic philosophy is facilitating an “inside-out” journey All the interventions undertaken by Transhuman Consulting are a result of synthesis based
on exploration of various domains, body of knowledge and experiences, facilitating a deeper and an inside-out journey such as, Human Process Lab, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Theosophy, Ontological distinctions, Anthroposophy, Energy Modalities, Yoga etc.
Transhuman has successfully conducted Group Coaching intervention in various leading organizations
Paritosh also believes in integrating the knowledge derived from spiritual insights, ancient Indian texts, mythologies, practices, oriental wisdom and western pragmatism, and uses them freely and appropriately in facilitating
human transformations in customized interventions for Individuals as well for Organizations.
When it comes to coaching, Transhuman Consulting provide Coaching in various formats and orientation. Apart from the Individual Coaching Transhuman Also provide Group Coaching which is fast emerging as a
most effective and optimized (for resource) interventions which could be tailored for a group of individuals of predetermined themes. Transhuman has successfully conducted Group Coaching intervention in various leading organizations
Focus on Organic Growth
TransHuman Consulting, the one-of-a-kind organization with unique methodology and approach to transforming human, has always believed in achieving growth through organic means. It started off by rendering Individual and open workshops which caught the attention of practicing Business Leaders, Coaches, HR and L&D professionals who in turn brought in their own organizations. TransHuman thrives mostly on word of mouth and referrals. Having worked with some of the most prestigious organization and professionals globally, the organization is now looking to expand to other geographies as well.
About TransHuman Consulting
Driven by passion to transform lives
Believes in enabling people to make transformational shifts in their skills, behaviors and attitudes.
This same belief has enabled the company to partner with more than 60+ clients, in their first three years, with 100 percent of work was through word-of-mouth and over 90 percent are repeating clients.
most effective and optimized (for resource) interventions which could be tailored for a group of individuals of predetermined themes. Transhuman has successfully conducted Group Coaching intervention in various leading organizations
Focus on Organic Growth
TransHuman Consulting, the one-of-a-kind organization with unique methodology and approach to transforming human, has always believed in achieving growth through organic means. It started off by rendering Individual and open workshops which caught the attention of practicing Business Leaders, Coaches, HR and L&D professionals who in turn brought in their own organizations. TransHuman thrives mostly on word of mouth and referrals. Having worked with some of the most prestigious organization and professionals globally, the organization is now looking to expand to other geographies as well.
About TransHuman Consulting
Driven by passion to transform lives
Believes in enabling people to make transformational shifts in their skills, behaviors and attitudes.
This same belief has enabled the company to partner with more than 60+ clients, in their first three years, with 100 percent of work was through word-of-mouth and over 90 percent are repeating clients.